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Simulation for Maxwell's Demon

This is a video of our Maxwell's Demon simulation running. The two chambers are separated by the white line in the middle of the screen, and the demon-controlled door is the black rectangle in the middle. The five counters show the initial average velocity of each chamber, the current average velocity of each chamber, and the percent of the particles that are sorted to their correct chamber. As the video plays, you will watch velocity of the right chamber increase and the velocity of the left chamber decrease.

Simulation for High Pressure Demon

These are two videos of the High Pressure Demon simulation running. The black square near the top of the simulation is the plug, the light blue background is the container of water, and the yellow rectangles along the bottom of the simulation are the deflectors.

In the first video, the deflectors are turned off, so the demon has no effect on the particles. As a result, not enough of the particles' energy is transferred to the plug, so the plug does not stay afloat for the duration of the 60 second simulation.

Deflector Off

However, when the deflectors are turned on, allowing the demon to redirect particles towards the plug, the plug is able to stay afloat for the duration of the simulation. This shows that the demon does in fact increase the number of particle-plug collisions and increase the amount of energy transferred from the particles to the plug.

Deflector On
Here is the Github repository with out code:
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